Mr Hounsel
AS Level
Induction day
Y11 Induction
Theme 1
1.1 Nature of economics
1.1.1 Economics as a social science
1.1.2 Positive and normative economic statements
1.1.3 The economic problem
1.1.4 Production possibility frontiers
1.1.5 Specialisation and the division of labour
1.1.6 Free market economies, mixed economy and command economy
1.2 How markets work
1.2.1 Rational decision making
1.2.2 Demand
1.2.3 Price, income and cross elasticities of demand
1.2.4 Supply
1.2.5 Elasticity of supply
1.2.6 Price determination
1.2.7 Price mechanism
1.2.8 Consumer and producer surplus
1.2.9 Indirect taxes and subsidies
1.2.10 Alternative views of consumer behaviour
1.3 Market failure
1.3.1 Types of market failure
1.3.2 Externalities
1.3.3 Public goods
1.3.4 Information gaps
1.4 Government intervention
1.4.1 Government intervention in markets
1.4.2 Government failure
Theme 2
2.1 Measures of economic performance
2.1.1 Economic growth
2.1.2 Inflation
2.1.3 Employment and unemployment
2.1.4 Balance of payments
2.2 Aggregate demand (AD)
2.2.1 The characteristics of AD
2.2.2 Consumption (C)
2.2.3 Investment (I)
2.2.4 Government expenditure (G)
2.2.5 Net trade (X-M)
2.3 Aggregate supply (AS)
2.3.1 The characteristics of AS
2.4 National income
2.4.1 National income
2.4.3 Equilibrium levels of real national output
2.4.4 The multiplier
2.5 Economic growth
2.5.1 Causes of growth
2.5.2 Output gaps
2.5.3 Trade (business) cycle
2.6 Macroeconomic objectives and policies
2.6.1 Possible macroeconomic objectives
2.6.2 Demand-side policies
2.6.3. Supply-side policies
2.6.4 Conflicts and tradeoffs between objectives and policies
Financial Crisis v Great depression
Class 2016
A Level
Theme 3
3.1. Business Growth >
3.1.1 Sizes and types of firms
3.1.2 Business growth
3.1.3 Demergers
3.2 Business Objectives >
3.2.1 Business objectives
3.3 Revenue, Costs & Profits >
3.3.1 Revenue
3.3.2 Costs
3.3.3 Economies and diseconomies of scale
3.3.4 Normal profits, supernormal profits & losses
3.4 Market Structures >
3.4.1 Efficiency
3.4.2 Perfect competition
3.4.3 Monopolistic competition
3.4.4 Oligopoly
3.4.5 Monopoly
3.4.6 Monopsony
3.4.7 Contestability
3.5 Labour market >
3.5.1 Demand for labour
3.5.2 Supply of labour
3.5.3 Wage determination in competitive and non-competitive markets
3.6 Government intervention >
3.6.1 Government intervention
3.6.2 The impact of government intervention
Theme 4
4.1 International economics >
4.1.1 Globalisation
4.1.2 Specialisation & Trade
4.1.3 Pattern of trade
4.1.4 Terms of trade
4.1.5 Trading blocs & WTO
4.1.6 Restrictions on free trade
4.1.7 Balance of Payments
4.1.8 Exchange Rates
4.1.9 International Competiveness
4.2 Poverty and inequality >
4.2.1 Absolute & Relative Poverty
4.2.2 Inequality
4.3 Emerging and developing economies >
4.3.1 Measures of development
4.3.2 Factors influence growth & dev
4.3.3 Stratergies for growth & dev
4.4 The financial sector >
4.4.1 Role financial markets
4.4.2 MF in Financial markets
4.4.3 Role of Central Banks
4.5 Role of the state in the macroeconomy >
4.5.1 Public expendicture
4.5.2 Taxation
4.5.3 Public sector finances
4.5.4 Macro policies
Class List
Year 12
Year 13