a) Characteristics and conditions for a monopsony to operate
b) Costs and benefits of a monopsony to firms, consumers, employees and suppliers
a) Characteristics and conditions for a monopsony to operate
b) Costs and benefits of a monopsony to firms, consumers, employees and suppliers
Watch the revision video to consolidate your knowledge of a monopsony:
Monopsony Power in Markets I A Level and IB Economics
Assess if teachers shortages in the UK are associated to the Government being a monopsony buyer of labour. (10 marks)
Teacher shortages in England
Exam style question:
How might the super market structure in the UK as a monopsony buyer (B2B with suppliers) impact
consumers and suppliers (15 marks)
Anna Soubry's "caring Conservative" view of Tesco's exploiting its suppliers
Morrisons "Milk for Farmers" and life on a Tesco dairy contract.