a) Characteristics of oligopoly
b) Calculation of n-firm concentration ratios and their significance c) Reasons for collusive and non-collusive behaviour |
Overt and tacit collusion; cartels and price leadership
e) Simple game theory: the prisoner's dilemma in a simple two firm/two outcome model f) Types of price competition: o price wars o predatory pricing o limit pricing g) Types of non-price competition |
Watch the revision webinars to consolidate your knowledge of oligopolies as a market structure:
Y2 23) Oligopoly - Kinked Demand Curve
Concentration Ratio Explained
Reasons for collusive and non-collusive behaviour
Assess the impact of Tesco's using price promotions to compete for consumers and the firm. (15 marks)
Tesco Clubcard. The Power to Lower Prices
Watch the revision webinar to consolidate your knowledge on price & non-price competition.
Price and Non-Price Competition in Oligopoly I A Level and IB Economics
Collusive behaviour
Assess the impact of collusion on firms and consumers for e-books. (12 marks)
E-books price fixing claims
Oligopoly - Collusion and Cartels | Economics Revision
Game theory
Golden Balls - £100,000: Complete End Round Pt2 (14/03/08)
Y2 24) Oligopoly - Game Theory
Additional watching:
Is this the best golden balls strategy?
Is this the best golden balls strategy?